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31st Annual Burns Alston Kid's Triathlon

31st Annual Burns Alston Kids Triathlon - 2024

Come join in the fun and fitness of our 31st Annual Triathlon! It will happen on Wednesday June 19, and we hope to see you there. Students may participate as solo triathletes or form teams within their grade level. 

Grade 1

1 width swim

2 laps biking

1 lap run

Grade 2

2 width swim 

3 laps biking

1 lap run

Grade 3

3 width swim

4 laps biking

2 lap run

Grade 4

2 length swim

6 laps biking

2 lap run

Grade 5

3 length swim

8 laps biking

3 lap run

Grade 6

4 length swim

10 laps biking

4 lap run

(Width of the Pool for Grades 1-3 / Length for Grades 4-6)

Swimmers will high-five their partner at the south end of the pool (for team competitors). Cyclists must wear a helmet and are to use the outside of the track. Runners are to use the inside. Pylons will mark these lanes. Have fun, be honest, and think safety! 

We invite all who wish to come and cheer our students across the finish!

Tentative Schedule

Times are approximate.

08:45   3,4,5 solo triathletes / Each grade separately 

10:00  Grade 3 teams

10:30 Grade 4 teams

11:00 Grade 5 teams

11:40 Lunch

12:45 1,2,6 Solo Triathletes / each grade separately unless small numbers (1-3)

1:30    Grade 6 teams

1:50 Grade 2 teams

1:50 Grade 1 teams

Students are encouraged to bring their bikes and park them in the playground baseball diamond by grades as shown below.

Unless you are helping your student at the pool or with their bike, PLEASE stay out of the staging area. It makes it difficult for students to make the transition, and those who are recording and becomes a safety issue.

Click below to see the map. 

Triathlon 2024 Info Letter

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